
Visit Google Scholar for the most current list of publications.

Corresponding authors are denoted with *
SDSU graduate student mentees are indicated with superscript “G”
Postdoctoral scholars in the Komperda group are indicated with superscript “P”

Ward, L., Rotich, F., Raker, J R., Komperda, R., Nedungadi, S., & *Popova, M. (2025). Design, development, and evaluation of the Organic chemistry Representational Competence Assessment (ORCA). Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 26(1), 244–258. doi: 10.1039/d3rp00188a

*Komperda, R. (2024). Empowerment through Inclusiveness and Collaboration: Introducing the Virtual Issue for Diane M. Bunce Festschrift. Journal of Chemical Education. 101(7), 2593–2595. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.4c00700   

*Grunspan, D. Z., Komperda, R., Offerdahl, E. G., Abraham, A. E., Etebari, S., Maas, S. A., Roberts, J. A., Ghafoor, S., & Brownell, S. E. (2024). Importance of undergraduate institution prestige in physics faculty hiring networks. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 20(1), 010144. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.20.010144

*Cui, Q., Harshman, J. & Komperda, R. (2024). Validity and reliability of survey data: Key to empowering chemical health and safety research. ACS Chemical Health & Safety. 31(2), 121–126. doi: 10.1021/acs.chas.3c0011 [ACS Editors Choice Designation]

*Bunce, D. M., Schroeder, M., Luning Prak, D., Teichert, M., Dillner, D., McDonald, L., Midgette, D., *Komperda, R. (2023). Impact of clicker and confidence questions on the metacognition and performance of students of different achievement groups in general chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education. 100(5), 1751–1762. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00928

PLazenby, K., GTenney, K., GMarcroft T., & *Komperda, R. (2023). Practices in instrument use and development in Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2010-2021. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 24, 882-895. doi: 10.1039/D2RP00275B

*Barbera, J., *Harshman, J., & *Komperda R. (2023). The Chemistry Instrument Review and Assessment Library (CHIRAL): A new resource for the chemistry education community. Journal of Chemical Education. 100(4), 1455–1459. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00762 [ACS Editors Choice Designation]

GCorrales, A. & *Komperda, R. (2022). Characterizing graduate student identity development in the context of an integrated research and teaching graduate student training course. Journal of Chemical Education. 99(4), 1747-1757. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00927

*Barbera, J., Naibert, N., Komperda, R., & Pentecost, T. C. (2021). Clarity on Cronbach’s alpha use. Journal of Chemical Education. 98(2), 257-258. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00183

Rocabado, G. A., *Komperda, R., Lewis, J. E., & *Barbera, J. (2020). Addressing diversity and social inclusion through group comparisons: A primer on measurement invariance testing. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(3), 969–988. doi: 10.1039/D0RP00025F

Komperda, R., Hosbein, K. N., Phillips, M. M., & *Barbera, J. (2020). Investigation of evidence for the internal structure of a modified Science Motivation Questionnaire II (mSMQ II): A failed attempt to improve instrument functioning across course, subject, and wording variants. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(3), 893-907. doi: 10.1039/D0RP00029A

Teichert, M. A., Schroeder, M. J., Lin, S., Dillner, D. K., Komperda, R., & *Bunce, D. M. (2020). Problem-solving behaviors of different achievement groups on multiple-choice questions in general chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(1), 3-15. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00774

Komperda, R., Pentecost, T. C., & *Barbera, J. (2018). Moving beyond alpha: A primer on alternative sources of single-administration reliability evidence for quantitative chemistry education research. Journal of Chemical Education. 95(9), 1477-1491. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00220

Komperda, R., Hosbein, K. N., & *Barbera, J. (2018). Evaluation of the influence of wording changes and course type on motivation instrument functioning in chemistry. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 19(1), 184–198. doi: 10.1039/C7RP00181A

Komperda, R., Barbera, J., Shortlidge, E. E., & Shusterman, G. P. (2018). Connecting chemistry to community with deliberative democracy. In C. Maguire & R. Sheardy (Eds.), Citizens First! Democracy, Social Responsibility and Chemistry (pp. 81–98). Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. doi: 10.1021/bk-2018-1297.ch006

Komperda, R. (2017). Likert-type survey data analysis with R and RStudio. In T. Gupta (Ed.), Computer-Aided Data Analysis in Chemical Education Research (CADACER): Advances and avenues (pp. 91–116). Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. doi: 10.1021/bk-2017-1260.ch007

*Bunce, D. M., Komperda, R., Lin, S., Schroeder, M., Dillner, D., Teichert, M. A., & Hartman, J. R. (2017). Differential use of study approaches by students of different achievement levels. Journal of Chemical Education, 94(10), 1415–1424. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00202

*Bunce, D. M., Komperda, R., Dillner, D., Lin, S., Schroeder, M., & Hartman, J. R. (2017). Choice of study resources in general chemistry by students who have little time to study. Journal of Chemical Education, 94(1), 11–18. doi: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00285

Bunce, D. M. & Komperda, R. (2014). Matching the evaluation plan to the question. In L. K.  Kendhammer & K. L. Murphy (Eds.), Innovative uses of assessments for teaching and research (pp. 7–25). Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. doi: 10.1021/bk-2014-1182.ch002